4-1/2 x 1/8 x 7/8 Depressed Center Grinding Wheel, Type 27
• Ultra - Premium wheels made from superior raw materials and advanced technologies for longer working life.
• Ultra Wheels give consistent cutting action for faster and easier performance.
• ZA24T: Zirconia Aluminum Oxide grain mixture with T-grade bond. High performance design for fast cutting and longer life. Excellent cutting of ferrous metals and stainless steels.
• A24R: Aluminum Oxide grain. R-grade bond for fast cutting and long life. Works well on steel, cast iron, and welds.
• WA24S: White Aluminum Oxide grain with S-grade bond. Contaminant Free wheel for fast cutting of stainless steel, ferrous metals. Contains 0.1% iron, sulfur, or chlorine for rust-free and corrosion-free results.
• Fast Cut A24Q: Aluminum Oxide grain. Q-grade bond for fast cutting.